Old Gore: Cllr Barry Durkin
- Carried out 16.38 sq metres of 10mm Wearing Course Carriageway Repairs on the B4224 from Fiddlers Green to the Moors, B4224 from Cross in Hand to the B4225, C1262 White House Farm to Cherry Orchard and the C1273 from Lyndor Wood Track to Rose Cottage
- Removed vegetation from around three signs on the B421 from Runsel Grange to Windy Hollow – Made safe by Inspector and
- Carried out 100 meters of sweeping in New Road
Hope End: Cllr Tony Johnson
- Carried out 10.3 sq metres of 10mm Wearing Course Carriageway Repairs on the C1181 Colwall Green Road, Evendine Lane and Jubilee Drive
- Removed fallen tree branches in Walwyn Road
- Carried out 5 m of verge infill in Swinmore with planings
- Cleansed an 18 m culvert in Evendine Lane
- Cleansed 1 gully on the B4220 from Penley to the B4214
- Refixed a Chevron sign (4th time this year) at the junction of the B4220 and B4214 and
- Carried out 80 m of sweeping in Ballard Close
Ledbury North: Cllr Liz Harvey
- Carried out 6.85 sq metres of 10mm Wearing Course Carriageway Repairs on the B4214 Bromyard Road, Ledbury Road, Beggars Ash and Cut Throat Lane and
- Cleansed 6 gullys on the A449 from Halfway House to the Wellington Inn
Ledbury South: Cllr Helen I`Anson
- Carried out 9.89 sq metres of 10mm Wearing Course Carriageway Repairs in Clenchers Mill Lane, Upper Road, the A438 from the A449 to Hollybush and the C1306 Lower House Lane
- Emptied an overflowing bin on PROW LR35 and
- Cleansed 1 gully in Worcester Road
Ledbury West……..Cllr Phillip Howells
- Reset Iron works for two gullys on the A417 Ledbury By Pass and
- Carried out a footpath repair on a path leading from Kempley Brook road to the Town Trail
During the past week I have:-
- Conducted my Monthly Walked Inspection of Ledbury Town and raised a number of defects
- Conducted my Monthly Playground Inspection in Ledbury and raised defects to repair and replace damaged and missing items along with hedge cutting and rubber crumb surfaces
- Attended a property in Kempley Brook Road ref a report of an overgrown hedge
- Examined a tree on the Town Trail which is leaning and referred the matter to the Grounds Supervisor to conduct a survey
- Conducted a site visit to PROW MA32 in Mathon regarding a broken Cross step on a stile
- Attended How Caple Cross Roads regarding a report of another tree leaning and again referred the matter to the Grounds Supervisor to conduct a survey
- Raised a defect to replace a finger post on PROW HK12 in Foy
- Assisted my colleague to conduct their Monthly Driven Inspection of both U and C class roads in the Bromyard Locality
- Took part in the 6 monthly Locality Steward Assessment
- Revisited a previously failed NRSWA site in Ledbury High Street to confirm that works had taken place to resolve the trip hazard
- Carried out an Inspection of a section of the Town Trail from Bye Street to Little Marcle Road and PROW ZB6 ending at the Full Pitcher following a complaint that the route was difficult to negotiate
- Raised a defect for the PROW gang to cut back vegetation around a Fingerpost in Mathon
- Attended the A449 at Woodredding where a tree branch has fallen onto BT Lines and was causing a potential hazard to traffic and raised a Cat 1A defect to remove the hazardous branch
Major Road Works
A reminder that major road works commenced on Monday, 19th August, and may affect journey times and routes.
- Four stretches of the A4103 Hereford to Worcester road will be resurfaced between August 19th and 29th and
- Four stretches of the A438 Hereford to Brecon Road will be improved between August 19th and 30th .
Diversion maps can be viewed on Twitter https://twitter.com/HfdsStreets/status/1160824548964610048
If you require any further information or advice please contact our Customer Service Team on 01432 261800. All local businesses and residents in the areas concerned have been written to with copies of the diversion route and other information.
Still time to have a say on rights of way…
A number of people have come forward and expressed an interest in becoming a member of the Herefordshire Local Access Forum (HLAF) but there’s still time to get involved.
The forum seeks to ensure that all interests relating to Public Rights of Way in the county are represented and heard. The Forum provides views and advice to Herefordshire Council and other bodies, such as Government departments, Natural England, Forestry Commission, English Heritage and Sport England.
You might be a landowner, walker, horse rider or have an interest in wildlife, conservation, disability access, heritage, conservation, tourism or sport. You might be a local business or involved in outdoor education and pursuits.
The Forum meets twice a year, with a few training and development sessions in between each meeting, and members volunteer to serve for a three-year term. While the post is unpaid, reasonable expenses incurred while carrying out duties are reimbursed.
If you are interested in helping shape rights of way in the future, call Sue White, Public Rights of Way Team Leader, on 01432 261800 for a chat.
View more about the Forum: https://twitter.com/HfdsStreets/status/1153969182020648960
View more about Public Rights of Way: https://twitter.com/HfdsStreets/status/1154315497829261312
Amended Grass Cutting Schedules
As a result of reduced grass growth encountered during August, Balfour Beatty are planning to postpone the August grass cuts in Ledbury, Ross-on-Wye and Bromyard and villages by between six and ten days.
Doing so will enable us to complete a later final cut in October. This will provide benefits across the winter season and into the growing season next year.
The grass cutting schedules for towns and villages is being updated on Herefordshire Council’s website as we write and should be available from early next week. You can find the schedules at https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/info/200196/roads/746/grass_verge_and_safety_cutting
The revised dates for scheduled August cuts are below for ease of reference. Hereford City cutting is unchanged:
North East Villages 26th Aug – 6th Sept 2019
North West Villages In progress – 30th August 2019
South Villages In progress – 30th August 2019
Bromyard 26th – 30th August 2019
Ledbury 2nd – 6th September 2019
Ross-On-Wye 9th – 13th September 2019
Litter Picking
You may be aware that as an organisation Balfour Beatty offer opportunities for organised groups to borrow litter pick packs for use at specific events and tidy ups in their communities. We will then organise to collect the rubbish following the event. In order to make this service accessible we have recently created a toolkit outlining who can borrow these kits and the process required. It is hoped that this would make the running of this service more user friendly and encourage more individuals to do their bit in their communities.
The toolkit, including an interactive form, is available on the Herefordshire Council website (see link below).
If you know of any interested individuals or groups please encourage them to take advantage of this free service.
You may also be aware of the Herefordshire Council ‘Stop the Drop’ campaign which encourages the responsible disposal of litter waste and provides strategies to reduce the volume of litter produced.
The campaign was launched in January 2016 following concerns about the amount of litter in Herefordshire and the impact this could have on visitor numbers and the reputation of the county as well as the impact on wildlife and the environment.
Businesses, Community Groups and Individuals can all make a Litter Pledge to help Stop the Drop and keep Herefordshire clear of litter
Useful Information
- Herefordshire Council has an interactive Web site……… It can be found @ www.herefordshire.gov.uk
If you access the section `Travel and Transport` and the sub section `Roads`…….this will give access to information on:-
- Road works and closures,
- Traffic Regulation Orders,
- Gritting Routes,
- your Local Parish Council,
- Fly Tipping,
- Resurfacing,
- Flooding and
- Reporting a pothole.
- Please note that Herefordshire Council strongly encourages Balfour Beatty to promote all service requests and queries should be logged via the HC website at
https://myaccount.herefordshire.gov.uk/report-a-pothole or called through to the call handling team on 01432 261800.
Please encourage individuals to use the website or call the customer services call handling team.