Minutes 7th October 2015
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held in the Memorial Hall
On Wednesday 7th October 2015
Chairman T Weston
Councillors G Baker N Bullock
R Cotton J Blandford
F Powell A Taylor
E Thomas
Also Present D Baldwin Clerk to the Council
1 member of the public
1. Apologies for absence –Apologies were received and accepted for Councillor B Durkin.
2. To receive Declarations of Interest
Councillors T Weston and E Thomas declared a disclosable interest to item 12.1 of the agenda. Councillor E Thomas also declared a disclosable interest to item 12.2.
3. Dispensations
No Councillors requested a pecuniary interest dispensation.
4. Public Participation
The member of the public informed the Council that he had submitted comments to Herefordshire Council on agenda item 12.1
5. Minutes
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 2nd September 2015 were approved as a correct record of that meeting and signed by the Chairman.
6. Ward Member Report
Councillors reviewed the Ward Member report, previously circulated by email.
RESOLUTION: That the report be noted.
7. Neighbourhood Plan
7.1 The representative of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Party presented the report of meeting held on the 16th September 2015. The representative was asked to explain the decision of the Neighbourhood Plan working Party that there should be no settlement boundary. It was explained that in order to accommodate identified sites for development it would be difficult to establish a settlement boundary at this stage. The Council also requested that this be put as a recommendation to Council for approval.
Councillors reviewed the report of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Party meeting held on the 16th September 2015.
RESOLUTION: That the report be noted and signed by the Chairman and the recommendation of, that in order to accommodate the identified sites, no settlement boundary be implemented, which will be subject to review, be approved.
7.2 Locality Grant
The Clerk informed Councillors that the Locality Grant had been received on the 25th September 2015.
8. Casual Vacancy
The Clerk informed Councillors that the uncontested election was being investigated by the Herefordshire Councils Monitoring Officer and the legal department. On completion of their investigation the Parish Council would be informed of their decision.
9. Litter Picking
The date for the Parish Litter picking was settled for Saturday 24th October, to meet at the village hall at 9am. The Clerk was instructed to contact waste services to arrange collection of litter from the village hall on the following Monday. Councillor Weston offered to arrange notices for posting at the shop etc.
10. Transparency Code
The clerk presented a report on the HALC training sessions on the new Transparency Code she had attended. It was explained that to help small Parish Councils comply with the new code Central Government had made a grant available. The administration of the grant would be through HALC and give funding for the Parish Council to purchase IT equipment and establish a Parish Council website.
RESOLUTION: That the Parish Council apply for the Transparency Code Grant and invite the recommended website developer to a future meeting to demonstrate the Parish Council Website.
11. Parish Council Noticeboard
The clerk informed Councillors that there was a need for a larger Parish Council notice board in order to accommodate the number of papers to be posted. It was suggested, due to the constraints of the current position, that the location of the notice board also be moved to the village hall with the permission of the Village Hall Committee.
RESOLUTION: That permission be sought from the Village Hall Committee to locate the Parish Council Notice Board at the Village Hall.
12. Planning
12.1 Planning Applications. Councillors T Weston and E Thomas left the room whilst this item was considered.
Site Land at Dobbin’s Pitch, Much Marcle, Herefordshire
Description Proposed demolition of existing detached and semi-detached cottages and construction of 7 no. dwellings.
152411 The Parish Council do not support this application for the following reasons: Over development of the site Not sufficient off road parking, on road parking has significant traffic constraints. Contrary to the Village Design Statement on the grounds of height, mass and density.
12.2 Councillors noted, the appeal against planning refusal for Cowlease Cottage, Much Marcle. HR8 2NG. Application number 150804
12.3 Planning Decisions
No Planning Decisions were received.
13. Highways
13.1 Highways issues to report:
Junction lines onto A417 by the Walwyn Arms
Banners and signs on the visibility railings at the Walwyn Arms and tree canopy, Councillor Weston to address.
13.2 Speed Limit:
The Speed limit request is currently at 11 on the list.
14. Financial Items
14.1 Budget 2016/17
Councillors reviewed the budget for 2016/17 and considered the need for setting an amount for services that the Parish Council may need to take over from Herefordshire Council. Councillors considered an amount of £500 for services and agreed a draft budget for review at the next meeting.
14.2 Sponsorship
Councillors considered the request for sponsorship of £100 from the Mercury Parish Magazine. As this amount was not available in the current year’s budget the Parish Council decided to:
RESOLUTION: Not grant the request of sponsorship to the Mercury for the current financial year.
14.3 Summary of Receipts and Payments to
The Clerk presented a report of the Payments ad Receipts for the period to 31st July 2015. Showing a balance of £11,086.91. This includes the Locality Grant received.
Resolution: That the summary be approved.
14.4 Invoices for Payment
Councillors considered the payment of the invoices for:
Staff Costs £153.03
PAYE £114.80
Professional Fees £39.60
Training Course £30.00
Resolution: That the payment of the invoices in the sum of £337.43 be approved.
15. Correspondence
Councillors reviewed the list of correspondence received.
HALC Information Corner.
Herefordshire Core Strategy Inspectors report,
Invitation to Planning Core Strategy Seminar.
Resolution: That the list of correspondence be noted
16. Matters to be raised for the next meeting
Budget 2016/17
Litter Picking
17. Date of the next meeting
The next meeting is currently scheduled for the 4th November 2015.
Meeting closed at 9.05pm