Neighbourhood Plan Working Party Report 16th March 2016

Neighbourhood Plan Working Party Report 16th March 2016

Report of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Party held in the Memorial Hall
on Wednesday 16th March 2016

Present: J Marsden Chairman

Also Present Cllr T Weston K Cotton J Finnigan J Gibbon
H Woodman

1. Apologies B Morgan J Weston R White

2. Declarations of interest – No interests were declared.

3. Report 1st March 2016 – The report was accepted.

4. Evidence Base Information

Local Green Space Map submitted by J Gibbon was accepted.

Herefordshire Biological Records Centre
H Woodman reported that in order for the correct information to be entered into the plan a “Neighbourhood Plan Data Package” was required. Approval was sought for the purchase of this package costing approximately £150. T Weston sanctioned that a price quotation be sought.
H Woodman to forward this quotation to T Weston when she receives the reply to her enquiry.

Local Wildlife Site: Hay Meadow, Dymock Road
The Chairman reported that he had been in contact with Herefordshire Council and the Herefordshire Wildlife Trust (HWT) to seek confirmation that the small hay meadow on the south side of Dymock Road adjoining the Parish boundary is still designated as a Local Wildlife Site (LWS). This meadow and an adjacent wild daffodil meadow on the Gloucestershire side of the county boundary are both included in the 1990 register of LWS. There are two more adjoining wild daffodil meadows in Herefordshire that could be included as LWS and these have been drawn to the attention of Herefordshire Council and HWT.

Amended Settlement Boundaries – Action
T Weston to produce and circulate the amended maps, relevant text and housing numbers.

Amended Broadband Statement
J Finnigan reported on the analysis of the recent Broadband Survey and effect that this had had on the Broadband Statement.
J Finnigan to forward by email a final version to the Chairman so that he can include it in the Evidence Base Document.

5. Public Consultation Meeting April 11th

Publicity Flyer
H Woodman to produce booklet:

• Front to publicise the event
• Centre Issues & Objectives document
• Back Programme of meeting

T Weston to arrange printing and delivery with inclusion in the April edition of the Mercury.

Importance of local community feedback
Discussion identified that speakers needed to stress that feedback is essential.
Notes to be taken at the meeting.
Written comments and emails to the Secretary for a two-week period after the meeting.
Box to be situated at the shop to collect written comment.
Working Party members to take notes of any verbal comments received.

T Weston confirmed the ability of Weston’s to produce A3 sized versions of maps, multiple versions were needed although the exact number required was not quoted.
J. Gibbon to email Local Green Space map, SEA maps 1&2 and HRA map to T Weston.
J. Weston to forward Land Allocation & Convertible Buildings maps to T Weston.

6. Other Issues

Further Communication with Karla Johnson, Herefordshire Planning Officer
Latest versions of key documents to be made available to Karla for further comment after the Public Consultation meeting.

Locality Grant Application
A sub-group composed of T Weston, J Marsden, Parish Clerk and J Gibbon to consider whether a new Locality Grant Application should be made in the 2016/17 financial year.

Parish Council Website
J Gibbon to contact the Parish Clerk to find out about its current status.
The withdrawal of Neighbourhood Plan information from the village website in the expectation that the Parish Council web-site would replace it was of some concern.

Draft Neighbourhood Plan
J Marsden intended to begin drafting the plan after the Public Meeting and would refer his efforts to Working Party members on a regular basis.

Advance Notification of absence on 31st May
H Woodman and J Marsden indicated that they would be absent on this date. Attempts to identify alternatives were fruitless.

J. Gibbon March 2016