Minutes 10th August 2016
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held in the Memorial Hall On Wednesday 10th August 2016
Present: Chairman T Weston
Councillors G Baker M Barber-Starkey J Blandford N Bullock R Cotton A Taylor E Thomas
Also Present: D Baldwin Clerk to the Council J Edwards Footpath Officer
2 members of the Public
1. Apologies for absence – Apologies were received and accepted for Councillor F Powell
2. To receive Declarations of Interest
Councillor T Weston & E Thomas declared an interest to item 10.1a.
3. Public Participation
No members of the public present
4. Minutes
4.1 The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 8th June 2016 were approved as a correct record of that meeting and signed by the Chairman.
4.2 The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 29th June 2016 were approved as a correct record of that meeting and signed by the Chairman.
5. Ward Member Report
Councillor Durkin presented his report of July 2016, previously circulated by email, with the main point being:
The resolution of the mutually agreed re-location of a resident from the Elgar housing section of Glebe Orchard to Ledbury.
RESOLUTION: That the report be noted.
6. Neighbourhood Plan
6.1 The Chairman of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Party presented the draft Much Marcle Neighbourhood Plan for approval for formal consultation. He also requested that firstly he, along with the Sally Tagg Planning consultant and Councillor T Weston attending an informal meeting with Herefordshire Council to discuss the draft plan. This would then be followed by a public open meeting on week four and consultation within six weeks.
RESOLUTION: That the Draft Neighbourhood plan be approved for formal consultation and also that the Chairman, the Planning consultant and Councillor T Weston attend an informal meeting with Herefordshire Council to discuss the draft plan.
6.2 Locality Grant
Councillors considered the request to apply for a second Locality Grant.
RESOLUTION: That the Parish Council apply for a second Locality Grant.
7. Parish Council Noticeboard
The Clerk reported that a misunderstanding had occurred with the site of Parish Council Noticeboard outside the Village Hall resulting in the request from the village Hall Committee to remove the posts. Councillors felt that further discussion was needed with the Village Hall Committee to find a solution.
RESOLUTION: That an informal meeting be arranged with the Village Hall Committee to discuss a solution.
8. Barton’s Playing Field.
Councillor Barry Durkin helped to resolved the ownership issue of repairs to the damaged Barton’s Playing Field gate and fencing by establishing that maintenance of the Barton’s Playing field is the responsibility of Herefordshire Council for which the Parish Council gave their thanks.
Resolution: that the Clerk re-submit the request for the repairs to Herefordshire Council.
9. Churchyard
Councillors received information that on the Closed Churchyard Legal Topic Note LTN from NALC (National Association of Local Councils). It was noted that the Parish Council have no legal management responsibility for the upkeep of the churchyard if it becomes closed nor for the purchase of further land for churchyard use.
10. Planning
10.1 Planning Applications.
Councillors T Weston and E Thomas left the room.
a) Site The Point, off How Caple, Much Marcle, Hereford, HR8 2NQ
Description Demolition of existing two-storey dwelling and replacement with 3-bed single-storey dwelling with separate garage and associated driveway and landscape
161938 No Objections to this application.
b) Site Bickerton Cottage, Much Marcle, Herefordshire
Description Proposal to split existing land and build a new dwelling which will replace the large workshop
162047 Concerns over allocation of parking spaces for new development and existing property.
10.2 Planning Decisions
Permissions granted
161469, The Forge, Much Marcle, Ledbury, HR8 2LY
161542, Dingle Barn, Much Marcle, Ledbury, HR8 2PF
11. Highways
11.1 Highways issues to report:
Potholes at Hall Court, by pump house Kynaston opposite Yew Tree cottage, Piccadilly Bridge, major pothole at Caerswall on turning. Road markings at Old Pike crossroads
11.2 Footpaths
The Footpath Officer gave a detailed on footpaths that he had walked to date. He had found missing posts and markers and asked how to address this.
RESOLUTION: That the Clerk make enquiries into how footpath repair issues are addressed.
12. Financial Items
11.1 Summary of Receipts and Payments to
The Clerk presented a report of the Payments and Receipts for the period to 21st June 2016, showing a bank balance of £3909.43
RESOLUTION: That the summary be approved.
11.2 Invoices for Payment
Councillors considered the payment of the invoices for:
PAYE £114.80
Staff Costs £330.91
Hall Hire £210.00
Payroll £22.00
RESOLUTION: That the payment of the invoices in the sum of £677.71 be approved.
13. Correspondence
Councillors reviewed the list of correspondence received.
Travellers Sites Development Plan Document Preferred Options – Public Consultation
Herefordshire Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA)- Call for Sites
RESOLUTION: That the list of correspondence be noted
14. Matters to be raised for the next meeting
Jubilee Tree
15. Date of the next meeting
The next meeting is currently scheduled for the 14th September.
Meeting closed at 9.15pm