Minutes 1st July 2015
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held in the Memorial Hall
On Wednesday 1st July 2015
Chairman T Weston
Councillors G Baker M Barber Starkey N Bullock F Powell A Taylor E Thomas
Also Present D Baldwin Clerk to the Council
Councillor B Durkin Old Gore Ward Member
1. Apologies for absence –Apologies were received and accepted for Councillors J Blandford and R Cotton.
2. To receive Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest at this point in the meeting.
3. Public Participation
No members of the public present.
4. Minutes
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 3rd June 2015 were approved as a correct record of that meeting and signed by the Chairman.
5. Vice Chairman 2015-16
Councillor E Thomas nominated and Councillor G Baker seconded Councillor F Powell for the office of Vice-Chairman. Councillor Powell accepted the office of Vice Chairman to the Parish Council. Vote: Unanimous
6. Ward Member Report
Councillor B Durkin presented his Ward Member report, previously circulated by email.
He also informed the Parish Council of the parish walk he had completed with the Neil James Old Gore Locality Officer.
RESOLUTION: That the report be noted
7. Neighbourhood Plan
Councillor Weston presented the report of the Neighbourhood Plan Working party meeting held on the 17th June 2015. It was also reported that James Marsden has been offered the post of Chairman to the Neighbourhood Plan working party and would accept if he is able to present a report to the Parish Council on the actions of the working party and comment on planning applications from the perspective of the Neighbourhood Plan. It was explained that the Parish Council would expect to receive a report from a representative of the Working party at each Parish Council meeting as currently given by Councillor Weston.
RESOLUTION: That the Chairman or a representative of the NPWP present a report of the actions and recommendations of the NPWP to each Parish Council meetings. It was further resolved that, at the discretion of the Parish Council Chairman, the representative of the NPWP be invited to give comments on planning applications from the perspective of the Neighbourhood Plan for the duration of the Neighbourhood Plan working party.
RESOLUTION: That the report be noted.
8. Transparency Code
Councillors considered the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities.
Resolution: That the Transparency code for Smaller Authorities be adopted
9. Planning
No Planning applications or decisions were received.
10. Highways
10.1 Highways issues to report:
Signs: Temporary road signs near Hall Court need to be removed. Give way sign approaching the Walwyn Arms junction needs replacing as completely faded.
Grass cutting: Clerk to investigate schedule.
10.2 Speed Limit:
Councillor Durkin reported that he had endorsed the application for reduced speed limits within the parish. He requested that any information supporting this application be sent to him.
The Clerk explained that a request for nominating roads within the parish for top dressing had been received from AMEY Herefordshire. Therefore it was requested that Councillors considered the request and bring suggestion to the next meeting.
11. Financial Items
12.1 Summary of Receipts and Payments to
The Clerk presented a report of the Payments ad Receipts for the period to 30th June 2015. Showing a balance of £4680.84
Resolution: That the summary be approved.
12.2 Invoices for Payment
Councillors considered the payment of the invoices for:
Clerk Salary £153.23
PAYE £38.20
Resolution: That the payment of the invoices in the sum of £191.43 be approved.
12. Correspondence
Councillors reviewed the list of correspondence received.
Caplor Energy Business Futures Forum
Ross on Wye Police Bulletin
Resolution: That the list of correspondence be noted
13. Matters to be raised for the next meeting
Grass Verge Cutting
Speed limit.
14. Date of the next meeting
The next meeting is currently scheduled for the 2nd September 2015.
Meeting closed at 8.52pm