Minutes 2nd September 2015
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held in the Memorial Hall
On Wednesday 2nd September 2015
Chairman T Weston
Councillors G Baker N Bullock
R Cotton F Powell
A Taylor E Thomas
Also Present D Baldwin Clerk to the Council
1. Apologies for absence –Apologies were received and accepted for Councillor J Blandford.
2. To receive Declarations of Interest
Councillors T Weston and E Thomas declared a disclosable interest to item 9b of the agenda. Councillors G Baker, R Cotton and F Powell declared a pecuniary interest to item 9b on the agenda.
3. Dispensations
Councillors G Baker, R Cotton and F Powell requested a pecuniary interest dispensation for Item 9b of the agenda.
RESOLUTION: That Councillors G Baker, R Cotton and F Powell be given pecuniary interest dispensation to discuss and vote on Item 9b of the agenda
4. Public Participation
No members of the public present wished to speak.
5. Minutes
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 1st July 2015 were approved as a correct record of that meeting and signed by the Chairman.
6. Ward Member Report
Councillors reviewed the Ward Member report, previously circulated by email.
RESOLUTION: That the report be noted.
7. Neighbourhood Plan
7.1 The representative of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Party presented the report of meeting held on the 19th July 2015.
RESOLUTION: That the report be noted and signed by the Chairman.
7.2 The representative of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Party presented the report of meeting held on the 19th August 2015 including the following recommendation.
RECOMMENDATION: That the Council approve and adopt the Project Plan for the Neighbourhood Plan. Unanimous
RESOLUTION: That the report be noted and the Project Plan be approved and adopted.
7.3 Locality Grant
Councillors received an update on the progress of the Locality Grant application. The Clerk had received an offer of grant letter with the terms and instructions for acceptance. The Chairman of the NP working party informed Councillors that in order to comply with the time conditions that the grant be used within a six month period it may be necessary for Foxley Tagg to invoice in advance of work completed.
RESOLUTION: That the Clerk be instructed to complete and submit the Terms of Acceptance for the Locality Grant.
7.4 Complaint
Councillors were informed of a complaint of trespassed onto private property, for Neighbourhood Plan purposes published in the Hereford Times and the Mercury Parish magazine. Councillor Weston reported that he had responded by letter and apologised to the complainant. Working Party members had been instructed that no one is to enter private property without permission from the landowners.
8. Casual Vacancy
The Clerk informed Councillors she had been instructed that the vacancy due to the resignation of Councillor Morgan needed to be advertise and could not be cop-opted. Therefore the co-option of a member to serve at the previous meeting could not be confirmed. The Notice of Casual Vacancy has been posted on the noticeboard and the Council will be notified if the election has been requested by the minimum of ten parish registered electors.
9. Planning
9.1 Planning Applications
a) Site Walwyn Court, Much Marcle, Ledbury. HR8 2LY
Description Proposed detached garage with solar panels, workshop, boiler room and fuel store.
150622 Councillors had concerns over the size of the proposed building.
b) Site The Bounds, Much Marcle, Ledbury, HR8 2NQ
Description Proposed building to replace existing substandard life expired buildings with a new steel portal framed building along with additional elements of permitted development to include resiting 4 no. vats, change of use from office to assembly and resiting of a building to improve access and storage areas within the site.
150569 The Parish Council would not expect to see any further retrospective applications for this site. Unanimous
c) Site Old Hyde Cottage, Rushall, Ledbury, HR8 2PB
Description Proposed agricultural building for workshop/storage
152108 No objections Unanimous
d) Site Stone Cottage, Rushall, Ledbury, HR8 2NB
Description Proposed construction of single storey extension
152069 No objections Unanimous
e) Councillors noted, as requested, the application on the Cider Barn, Lyne Down Farm,
152441 previously commented on by the Parish Council.
f) Councillors noted the comments submitted, under delegated powers, of no objections to planning application 151386, Orchard House.
9.2 Planning Decisions
No Planning Decisions were received.
10. Highways
10.1 Councillor Weston explained that a local resident had concerns over erosion with the stream bank alongside his property and wished to reinforce the bank to stop his garden collapsing into the stream.
RESOLUTION: That the Parish Council support the residents proposal on the condition that no cost to the Parish Council is incurred.
10.2 Councillors reviewed the information received from Balfour Beatty on Ditches and Drainage: Landowners responsibility.
RESOLUTION: That the information be noted.
10.3 Highways issues to report:
Request for a Salt bin at Sunnybank.
Request BT to removed wood left on side of road after tree maintenance.
Old Hall Corner Kynaston, Gravel bank.
Potholes on Kempley road, east side of Caerswall.
10.4 Speed Limit:
No update was available.
11. Financial Items
11.1 Precept 2016/17
The Clerk informed Council of the need to consider the budget for 2016/17 in advance in order to consult with the Parish on possible services that the Parish Council may need to take over from Herefordshire Council and its effect of the precept. It was suggested that the budget work book be sent out before the next meeting in order for Councillors to better understand the procedure.
11.2 Summary of Receipts and Payments to
The Clerk presented a report of the Payments ad Receipts for the period to 31st July 2015. Showing a balance of £4405.31
Resolution: That the summary be approved.
11.3 Invoices for Payment
Councillors considered the payment of the invoices for:
HALC Subscriptions £406.42
Clerks Salary £153.23
Playground Inspection £60.72
Expenses £125.00
Resolution: That the payment of the invoices in the sum of £745.37 be approved.
12. Correspondence
Councillors reviewed the list of correspondence received.
HALC Information Corner
Parish Budget Briefing 22nd July 2015
Resolution: That the list of correspondence be noted
13. Matters to be raised for the next meeting
Budget 2016/17
Casual Vacancy
Speed limit.
14. Date of the next meeting
The next meeting is currently scheduled for the 7th October 2015.
Meeting closed at 8.53pm