Minutes 3rd June 2015
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held in the Memorial Hall
On Wednesday 3rd June 2015
Councillors G Baker J Blandford
N Bullock R Cotton
F Powell A Taylor
E Thomas T Weston
Also Present D Baldwin Clerk to the Council
Councillor B Durkin Old Gore Ward Member
1. Election of Chairman 2015-2016
Due to the resignation of Councillor Brian Morgan the office of Chairman had become vacant. Councillor T Weston was nominated by Councillor E Thomas, seconded by Councillor G Baker for the office of Chairman. Councillor Weston accepted the office of Chairman to the Parish Council. Vote: Unanimous
2. Apologies for absence – There were no apologies received at this stage of the meeting.
3. To receive Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest at this point in the meeting.
4. Public Participation
No members of the public present.
5. Minutes
5.1 The minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on the 13th May 2014 were approved as a correct record of that meeting and signed by the Chairman.
5.2 The minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on the 13th May 2014 were approved as a correct record of that meeting and signed by the Chairman
6. Ward Member Report
Councillor B Durkin presented a verbal report on current matters from Herefordshire Council including the information that he would be serving on Herefordshire Councils Audit and Governance Committee.
7. Neighbourhood Plan
Councillor Weston and the member of the Neighbourhood Working Party presented the report of the Neighbourhood Plan Working party meeting held on the 20th May 2015. He informed Council that the Business survey has been circulated.
Resolution: That the report be noted.
8. Parish Council Vacancy
Two nominations were received for Co option to fill the Parish Council Vacancy. After a vote Michael Barber-Starkey was declared the member to be co-opted onto the Parish Council.
Resolution: That Michael Barber-Starke be invited to be the member to serve on the Parish Council.
9. Code of Conduct
Councillors reviewed the Parish Councils Code of Conduct previously circulated at the Annual Council meeting on the 13th May 2015 to Councillors present.
Resolution: That the Council approved and adopted the Parish Councils Code of Conduct.
10. Planning
10.1 Planning Applications
Councillors noted the comments submitted for the following application.
Site Lyne Down Farm, Much Marcle, Ledbury, Herefordshire. HR8 2NT
Retention of existing cider pressing barn for agricultural/horticultural use.
150992 No Objections raised.
10.2 Planning Decisions
No planning decisions were received.
11. Highways
11.1 Highways Issues.
Highways issues to report:
Potholes: Watery lane 200 yards up from the Slip Inn is disintegrating.
Grass cutting: Clerk to investigate schedule.
Speed Limit: Councillor Durkin requested a list of all outstanding issues and the request for the speed limit in order for him to act on the Parish Councils behalf.
11.2 Traffic Calming
Councillors considered the proposal for traffic calming measures to be instigated outside the Village School. After discussion Councillors decided that:
Resolution: That a watching brief be kept on this and be re-considered next year.
12. Financial Items
12.1 Annual Accounts/Audit 2014-2015
Councillors considered the annual accounts and audit for 2014/2015.
Resolution: That the Parish Council approve and adopt the annual accounts/audit for 2014/2015 and that the Chairman signs the Annual Return for submission to the auditors.
12.2 Summary of Receipts and Payments to
The Clerk presented a report of the Payments ad Receipts for the period to 31st May 2015. Showing a balance of £4499.27
Resolution: That the summary be approved.
12.3 Invoices for Payment
Councillors considered the payment of the invoices for:
Clerk Salary £153.23
PAYE £38.20
Resolution: That the payment of the invoices in the sum of £191.43 be approved.
13. Correspondence
Councillors reviewed the list of correspondence received.
HALC Wise Owl training program
Ross on Wye Police Bulletin
Resolution: That the list of correspondence be noted
14. Matters to be raised for the next meeting
Speed Limit
Vice Chairman
15. Date of the next meeting
The next meeting is currently scheduled for the 1st July 2015.
Meeting closed at 8.32pm