Minutes 8th March 2017

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held in the Memorial Hall
On Wednesday 8th March 2017

Present – Chairman: T Weston
Councillors:  G Baker, M Barber-Starkey, J Blandford,  R Cotton, F Powell,  A Taylor, E Thomas

Also Present D Baldwin – Clerk to the Council
Cllr B Durkin – Ward Member
J Edwards – Footpath Officer
1 member of the public

1. Apologies for absence – Apologies were received and accepted for Councillor N Bullock and Ward Member B Durkin.

2. To receive Declarations of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest at this point in the meeting

3. Public Participation
A resident informed Councillors that he had picked up eight and a half bags of litter along the B4024 and the Kempley road.  He also produced a graph showing the history of the recyclable amounts picked from 2014 to 2017.

4. Minutes
Amendment to Attended should be one member of the public present. The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 8th February 2017, as amended, were approved as a correct record of that meeting and signed by the Chairman.

5. Ward Member Report
Councillors reviewed the Councillor Durkin`s report of February 2017, previously circulated by email.
RESOLUTION: That the report be noted.

6. Neighbourhood Plan
The Chairman of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Party gave an update to Councillors
and presented the report of the meeting held on the 21st February 2017. The informal meetings with the local residents of Rushall was successful resulting in residents offering to gather information and looking into a revision of the Rushall settlement boundary. The Chairman also requested funding to purchase a mapping tool to aid in the production of the Neighbourhood Development Plan. At this time, the actual cost was not established.
RESOLUTION: That the report be noted and the purchase of a mapping tool be approved on the condition that the cost be first submitted to the Parish Council Chairman and the Clerk.

7. Parish Council Noticeboard
Councillors were informed that the Parish Council noticeboard had been installed by the entrance to Barton’s Playing Field and the keys were given to the Clerk.

8. Training
The Clerk informed Councils that the dates for the inhouse training were still to be agreed.

9. Consultations
The published representation new constituency boundaries proposed by the Boundary Commission for England were noted.

10. Jubilee Oak Tree
An offer from a local tree surgeon to carry out remedial work to the Jubilee oak tree, free of charge, was received. Councillor E Thomas offered to inform the tree surgeon of the Councils decision.
RESOLUTION: That the Parish Council accept the offer to carry out remedial work to the Jubilee oak tree.

11.1 Grant of Premises Licence.
Hellens, Much Marcle EB/PRO1757
Councillors considered the application for a premises licence and had concerns over the lateness of the opening times for week nights and felt it could cause a public nuisance due to noise levels. It was noted that the noise was loud from events, with the barn venue being on the village side of the Hellens. It was decided that the Clerk and Councillor Barber-Starkey investigate the correct procedure for submission to the licensing department.
RESOLUTION: That the Clerk and Councillor Barber-Starkey investigate the submission to the licensing department.

11.2 Planning Decisions
None received.

12. Highways
12.1 It was noted that the Parish Litter pick was scheduled for Saturday 11th March. Councillor Weston offered to contact Herefordshire Council for any equipment available.

12.2 Highways issues to report:
Potholes: U67421 around the rocks at Caerswall. Watery Lane by Sunnybank, and C1301 by Nuttall`s Cottage, by the Old Mission at Kynaston and on the C1289 near Whittocks End.
Culverts: Blocked by Jink Robbin C1262, the wall of the culvert outside the Slip collapsing in.
The seat and sign outside Graham Baker Motors has been damaged by a car falling off a transporter. Councillor G Baker will deal with and report back at the next meeting.

12.3 Footpaths
The Footpath Officer reported that the repairs to the Bridge on footpath MM15 by Hall Court was logged, but Balfour Beatty were not able to offer a time scale for its completion.

13. Financial Items
13.1 Grants
Councillors considered the grant application from Much Marcle Parochial Church Council. No provision for Grants had been set for the budget, therefore the Council were not in a position to allocate a grant.
RESOLUTION: Due to the Budget constraints, the Application for a grant be declined.

13.2 Summary of Receipts and Payments
The Clerk presented a report of the Payments and Receipts for the period to 28th February 2017, showing a bank balance of £8744.20
RESOLUTION: That the summary be approved.

13.3 Invoices for Payment
Councillors considered the payment of the invoices for:
HALC Subscription 504.48
RESOLUTION: That the payment of the invoices in the sum of £504.48 be approved.

14. Correspondence
Councillors reviewed the list of correspondence received.
BT Consultation
Locality report
HALC information Corner
RESOLUTION: That the list of correspondence be noted

15. Matters to be raised for the next meeting
Locality Grant
Schedule of Meetings

16. Date of the next meeting
The next meeting is currently scheduled for the 12th April 2017.

Meeting closed at 9.00pm.