Minutes 9th November 2016
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held in the Memorial Hall
On Wednesday 9th November 2016
Chairman: T Weston
Councillors: M Barber-Starkey, J Blandford, N Bullock, R Cotton, F Powell, A Taylor
Also Present D Baldwin Clerk to the Council
Footpath Officer: J Edwards
Ward Member: Cllr B Durkin
1 Member of the public
1. Apologies for absence –Apologies were received and accepted for Councillors G Baker, J and E Thomas
2. To receive Declarations of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest at this point in the meeting
3. Public Participation
No members of the public present wished to speak
4. Minutes
The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 25th October 2016 were approved as a correct record of that meeting and signed by the Chairman.
5. Ward Member Report
Councillor Durkin presented his report of October 2016, previously circulated by email, with the main points being:
Twenty Children from Syria are being transported to Herefordshire to join their families.
Lease discussions with Hereford Football Club continue with negotiations towards an extended lease term of 10 years.
Cabinet approval of land purchase negotiations for Southern Link Road.
RESOLUTION: That the report be noted.
6. Neighbourhood Plan
6.1 Councillors received an update on the draft Neighbourhood Development Plan launch of Regulation 14 formal six-week public consultation with the local community and statutory consultees. It was confirmed that Councillors had delivered the leaflet to all households within the Parish, the Clerk had sent out the draft NDP version 4.3 to all neighbouring Parish Councils along with the approved consultee letter and the Chairman of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group to all other statutory consultees. Copies of the draft NDP version 4.3 were also made available at the Village Shop, Memorial Hall, Graham Baker Motors and on the Parish Council website.
6.2 Locality Grant
Councillors received an update on the progress of the Locality Grant application. The Clerk had received an offer of grant letter with the terms and instructions for acceptance.
RESOLUTION: That the Clerk be instructed to complete and submit the Terms of Acceptance for the Locality Grant.
7. Parish Council Noticeboard
The site meeting with the Chairman of the Memorial Hall Committee to discuss the position of the Parish Council Noticeboard has still to be arranged.
8. BT Pay Phone Kiosks.
Councillors considered the BT formal consultation process regarding the current programme of the intended removal, or adoption by the Parish Council, of the Payphone by Marcle Garage. After consideration Councillors felt that due to the location and risk the kiosk would not be suitable for any other use and therefore decided to:
RESOLUTION: Agree to the removal of the telephone kiosk by BT.
9. Training
9.1 Councillors considered an offer of a discounted in-house training session from HALC for the Councillors. Councillors would like to know a little more about what topics would be covered and consider at the next meeting.
9.2 The Clerk requested permission to attend a Procedure and Finance training session at HALC.
RESOLUTION: That approval be given for the Clerk to attend the Procedure and Finance training session at HALC.
10. Planning Decisions
Permissions granted
P163015/FH, The Blakeneys Much Marcle Ledbury Herefordshire HR8 2NG
11. Highways
11.1 Parish Litter Pick
The Chairman requested that Councillors complete their section of the Litter Pick before Christmas.
11.2 Highways issues to report:
Flooding in the dip by the Royal Oak public house on the A449.
11.3 Footpaths
The Footpath Officer gave a report on footpath issues he had identified. He along with Councillor Baker had fitted the new stiles at Rushall. A third stile is needed to complete that section. He informed Councillors that it is the Landowners responsibility to order stiles, supplied by Herefordshire Council free of charge and fit them.
12. Financial Items
12.1 NALC Pay Scales
Councillors considered the Clerk salary in line with the NALC pay scales 2016-2018. After consideration, it was decided to:
RESOLUTION: Raise the Clerks salary to NALC Scale 21 effective from the 1st April 2017
12.2 Budget 2017/18
Councillors reviewed the budget for 2017/18 and agreed a draft budget for further consideration at the next meeting.
12.3 Invoices for Payment
Councillors considered the payment of the invoices for:
Staff Salaries 158.20
Grant Thornton External Audit 120.00
PATA Payroll 22.50
Hall Hire NP 15.00
RESOLUTION: That the payment of the invoices in the sum of £318.70 be approved.
13. Correspondence
Councillors reviewed the list of correspondence received.
Locality update
RESOLUTION: That the list of correspondence be noted
14. Matters to be raised for the next meeting
Neighbourhood Plan
15. Date of the next meeting
The next meeting is currently scheduled for the 14th December 2016.
Meeting closed at 9.00pm.