Minutes Annual Council Meeting of the Parish Council 11th May 2016
Minutes of the Annual Council Meeting of the Parish Council held in Much Marcle Memorial Hall
Which followed the APM on Wednesday 11th May 2016
Present: Councillors
T Weston
G Baker M Barber-Starkey
J Blandford R Cotton
F Powell A Taylor
E Thomas
Also Present D Baldwin Clerk to the Council
J Edwards Footpath Officer
1. Election of Chairman 2015-2016
Councillor T Weston was nominated by Councillor E Thomas, seconded by Councillor G Baker for the office of Chairman. Councillor Weston accepted the office of Chairman to the Parish Council. Vote: Unanimous
2. To consider the acceptance of apologies for absence from Councillors
Apologies were received and accepted for Councillor N Bullock
3. To receive Declarations of Interest.
There was no Declarations of Interest at this point in the meeting.
4. Vote of Thanks for the 2015-16 Chairman.
Councillor E Thomas gave a vote of thanks to Councillor Weston for his hard work over the previous year including his work with the Neighbourhood Plan.
5. Election of Vice Chairman for 2016-17
Councillor T Weston nominated and Councillor G Baker seconded Councillor F Powell for the office of Vice-Chairman. Councillor Powell accepted the office of Vice Chairman to the Parish Council. Vote: Unanimous
6. Public Participation
No members of the public present wished to speak.
7. Minutes
The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 13th April 2016 were approved as correct record of that meeting and be signed by the Chairman.
8. Schedule of Meetings
Councillors considered the Cycle of Meetings for 2016-2017.
RESOLUTION: That the cycle of meetings be approved.
9. Neighbourhood Plan
Councillor Weston presented the report of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Party meeting held on the 20th April 2016.
RESOLUTION: That the report be noted.
10. Noticeboard
Councillor M Barber-Starkey informed Councillors that the noticeboard was being made of Aluminium with a lockable polycarbonate front and supplied with magnetic pins. He also asked Councillors to consider the colour of the noticeboard, the lettering and the supply of the posts to mount the notice board on. Councillors felt that to be sympathetic to the local area the noticeboard should be green with gold lettering. Councillor Thomas also offered to approach Adrian Hope Tree surgeons for the wooden posts.
RESOLUTION: That the colour of the noticeboard is green with gold lettering.
11. Broadband
Councillors received information of the current situation of the Faster Broadband from a local resident. The Neighbourhood Plan survey had shown the needs of local people for Faster Broadband. It appeared that some parts of the Parish had been made ready for connection but needed a service provider to request connection.
A group of local residents had approach Fastershire and had arranged a meeting to establish the next move toward faster broadband being rolled out across the Parish. Councillors asked if they could keep the Parish Council informed.
RESOLUTION: That the information be noted.
12. Planning
12.1 Planning Applications:
a) Site Windrush, Much Marcle, Ledbury. HR8 2LY
Description Proposed to fell Cypress tree
161297 No Objections
12.2 Planning Decisions
160829 The point, Much Marcle, Ledbury, HR8 2PH
Prior approval is not required.
13. Highways
13.1 Highways issues for reporting to Localities Officer.
Councillors compiled a list of all outstanding and new Highways issues, to be submitted to the Locality Officer at the scheduled Parish Walk.
13.2 Speed Limit
Councillors noted that the request for the implementation of a 30mph speed limit within the village currently sits at No 11 out of 92 requests.
14. Financial Items
14.1 Summary of receipts and payments
The Clerk presented a summary of the Payments and Receipts for the period to 27th April 2016, showing a bank balance of £5866.41
RESOLUTION: That the Summary be approved.
14.2 Invoices for payment
Councillors considered the payment of the invoices for:
PC World £762.96
Eyelid Productions Ltd £500.00
Clerk Salary £153.23
RESOLUTION: That the payment of the invoices in the sum of £1416.19 be approved.
14.3 Appointment of Internal Auditor
The Clerk informed Council that Susan Barnwood was willing to carry out the audit again this year.
RESOLUTION: That Susan Barnwood be appointed as the internal auditor
14.4 Parish Council Insurance
Councillors considered the renewal of the Parish Council insurance from Came & Company and felt that they presented the best value.
RESOLUTION: That the Came and company provide the Parish council insurance.
15. Correspondence
HALC Information Corner Aril 2016
RESOLUTION: That the list of correspondence be noted
16. Matters to be raised for the next meeting
Annual Accounts 2015-16
Paddock in Rushall
17. Date of next meeting
The next meeting is currently scheduled for Wednesday 8th June 2016.
Meeting closed at 8.43pm