Minutes 4th November 2015

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held in the Memorial Hall
On Wednesday 4th November 2015

Chairman T Weston
Councillors G Baker M Barber-Starkey
J Blandford N Bullock
R Cotton F Powell
A Taylor
Also Present B Durkin Ward Member
D Baldwin Clerk to the Council
1 member of the public

The Chairmanwelcomed Councillor M Barber-Starkey to the Parish Council.

1. Apologies for absence–Apologies were received and accepted for CouncillorE Thomas.

2. To receive Declarations of Interest
Councillor T Weston declared a disclosable interest to item 14.1 of the agenda.

3. Dispensations
No Councillors requested a pecuniary interest dispensation.

4. Public Participation
The member of the public present did not wish to speak.

5. Minutes
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 7th October2015were approved as a correct record of that meeting and signed by the Chairman.

6. Ward Member Report
Councillor B Durkin presented his report of the, previously circulated by email.
RESOLUTION: That the report be noted.

7. Neighbourhood Plan

7.1 The representative of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Party presented the report of meeting held on the 29thSeptember 2015.
RESOLUTION: That the report be noted and signed by theChairman.
7.2 The representative of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Party presented the report of meeting held on the 21st October 2015. He informed Council that the building analysis was nearly complete and would be submitted to Foxley Tagg for their input. A workshop had also been arrange with Foxley tag.
RESOLUTION: That the report be noted and signed by the Chairman

7.3 Locality Grant
The Council were informed that the appointed planning consultants would be presenting an invoice for work carried out so far.

8. Election
The Clerk informed Councillors that,after the completion of the investigation onto the uncontested election by the Herefordshire Council,the result stood.

9. Litter Picking
The Parish Litter picking on Saturday 24th October was completed and the next date scheduled for March 2016. The Clerk was instructed to send in a request for the litter on the length of A449 through the Parish be addressed.

10. Transparency Code
The clerk reported that the Transparency grant had been applied for. It was proposed that once the grant had been approved the Parish Council proceed with the building of the Parish Council website by the HALC recommended provider.
RESOLUTION: That on receipt of the grant the Parish Council proceed with the building of the Parish Council website by Eyelid Productions.

11. Parish Council Noticeboard
The clerk reported that permission form the Village Hall Committee to place the new Parish Council noticeboard at the village hall had been granted. The site will be in the front flowerbeds alongside the road.

12. Parish Tree Warden
Councillors considered the invitation to attend the launch event for the Herefordshire Tree Warden Network. Unfortunately no one was available to attend, but Council felt that a Tree Warden combined with a Parish Footpath Officer should be sought.
RESOLUTION: That applications for a Parish Footpath and Tree officer be invited via the Mercury Parish Newsletter.

13. Community Governance Review
Councillors considered the proposal to conduct a Community Governance Review in 2016/17 and felt that the number of Councillors and Parish Boundaries should remain as they currently are.

14. Planning

14.1 Planning Applications.
Comments to submit
a) Site Serendipity House, Much Marcle, Ledbury. HR8 2PF
Description Proposed erection of three bay single story garage
152604 Outside the settlement boundary Within the curtilage of the garden, greenfield site Does not comply with RA5 of the Core Strategy Has planning permission been granted on the existing dwelling within the original garage and has council tax been paid on that dwelling.

b) Site Avenue House, Much Marcle, Ledbury. HR8 2NU
Description Proposed removal of existing conservatory and construction of two storey extension and single storey extension.
152728 No Objections to this application Unanimous

Councillor T Weston left the room whilst this item was considered.
c) Site Land at Dobbin’s Pitch, Much Marcle, Herefordshire
Description Amended plans.
152411 The amended plans offer no material changes to the Parish Councils original comments.Unanimous

14.2 Planning Decisions
No Planning Decisions were received.

15. Highways

15.1 Highways issues to report:
Hall Court corner
Pothole outside Graham Baker motors and uphill to Marcel Ridge, by Upper Walton drive, Piccadilly Bridge and Kempley road.
Banners and signs on the visibility railings at the Walwyn Arms and tree canopy, Councillor Weston to address.

15.2 Speed Limit:
The Speed limit request is currently at 15th on the list.

16. Financial Items

16.1 Budget 2016/17
Councillors further reviewed the budget for 2016/17. It was suggested that the draft budget be sent out to Councillors before the next meeting in preparation for the finalisation of the budget.

16.2 Audit
Councillors reviewed the Annual Audit return received.
RESOLUTION: That the Annual Audit Return be noted.

16.3 Summary of Receipts and Payments to
The Clerk presented a report of the Payments and Receipts for the period to 31stOctober 2015. Showing a balance of £10,749.48.
Resolution: That the summary be approved.

16.4 Invoices for Payment
Councillors considered the payment of the invoices for:
Staff Costs £153.23
Professional Fees £30.00
Resolution: That the payment of the invoices in the sum of £183.03 be approved.

17. Correspondence
Councillors reviewed the list of correspondence received.
HALC Information Corner.
HALC Eastern Area Meeting
Resolution: That the list of correspondence be noted

18. Matters to be raised for the next meeting
Budget 2016/17
Transparency Code Grant

19. Date of the next meeting
The next meeting is currently scheduled for the 2nd December2015.

Meeting closed at 9.20pm