Agenda 10/03/21 Postponed

Postponed until Wednesday 17 March 2021 To Join Zoom Meeting 7.30pm – 8.15pm Meeting ID: 745 0971 1003 Passcode: S62zkf To continue meeting if required 8.15pm – 9.00pm...

Parish Litter Pick.

In a typical year around this time, we try and gather a few very helpful villagers to undertake a litter pick around our village. As we know, this year is very different. One positive thing has been the increase is people walking for pleasure. Many of our Councillors...

Parish Council Website HAS MORE NEWS

Parish Council Website HAS MORE NEWS The parish council website now has additional news and information. All the latest News from Hereford Council, your Ward Councillor Barry Durkin, together with local and parish council news.  There are also Twitter feeds from...