GDPR Consent Form

Your privacy is important to us and we would like to communicate with you about the Council and its activities. To do so we need your consent. Please fill in your name and address and other contact information below and confirm your consent by ticking the boxes below....

General Privacy Notice

Your personal data – what is it? “Personal data” is any information about a living individual, which allows them to be iden2fied from that data (for example a name, photographs, videos, email address, or address). Identification can be by directly using the data itself...

Parish Council Privacy Policy

Much Marcle Parish Council Privacy Policy Adopted by the Council on 19th September 2018 Review bi-annually or as required.This Policy was adopted by the Parish Council in order to comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), in force...
Mike Barber-Starkey

Mike Barber-Starkey

Finance and Environment & Community Working Groups. I have been a local to Much Marcle, having been brought up at the Old Grange Dymock and from a farming family. After finishing my education in the USA and travelling in the mid-1980s, I soon started a business...
Elliott Thomas

Elliott Thomas

Planning and Community & Environment Working Groups Born and bred in the neighbouring parish of Preston into an agricultural back ground.  After leaving school spent one and half years working on local farms, then I went to Australia for two years, working my way...
Old Gore Ward Councillor

Old Gore Ward Councillor

Barry Durkin I have represented the people of Old Gore ward since the 2008 by-election and am proud to have been re-elected to continue to serve for a further four years – thank you for those that voted for me. Representing all the residents of Old Gore is extremely...

NDP Poll

How do you feel about the "Neighbourhood development Plan" ? Agree whole heartedly Good plan Better to have a plan than not Mixed feelings Haven't seen it Ill conceived Disagree whole heartedly Poll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser. ©...

Agenda 9/9/20

To:      All members of Much Marcle Parish Council NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that The Annual Meeting of Much Marcle Parish Council will be held by Zoom Virtual Meeting 9th September, 2020 at 7.30pm All members are summoned to attend. The business to be transacted is set...