MUCH MARCLE PARISH COUNCIL To: All members of Much Marcle Parish Council NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that The Annual Meeting of Much Marcle Parish Council will be held in Much Marcle Memorial Hall on 11 May 2022 at 7.30pm All members are summoned to attend. The business to...
Annual Parish Meeting Agenda 04/05/22
MUCH MARCLE PARISH TO ALL ELECTORS OF MUCH MARCLE PARISH You are invited to take part in the ANNUAL PARISH MEETING to be held at THE MEMORIAL HALL, Much Marcle on WEDNESDAY 4th May 2022 at 7.30pm. under the Chairmanship of Councillor Mike Barber-Starkey The Parish...
Meeting Agenda 09/03/22
Much Marcle Parish Council Meeting Agenda Councillors are summoned to attend the Parish Council meeting on Wednesday 9th March 2022, 7.30pm in Much Marcle Memorial Hall 1. Apologies for absence 2. To receive Declarations of Interest, Councillors are reminded of...
Agenda 12/01/22
Much Marcle Parish Council Meeting Councillors are summoned to attend the Parish Council meeting on Wednesday 12th January 2021, 7.30pm in Much Marcle Memorial Hall 1. Apologies for absence 2. To receive Declarations of Interest, Councillors are reminded of the...
Agenda 17/11/21
Much Marcle Parish Council Meeting Councillors are summoned to attend the Parish Council meeting on Wednesday 17th November 2021, 7.30pm in Much Marcle Memorial Hall 1. Apologies for absence 2. To receive Declarations of Interest, Councillors are reminded of the...
Agenda 08/09/21
Councillors are summoned to attend the Parish Council meeting on
Wednesday 8th September 2021,
7.30pm in Much Marcle Memorial Hall
Agenda 14/7/21
Much Marcle Parish Council Meeting Councillors are summoned to attend the Parish Council meeting on Wednesday 14th July 2021, 7.30pm in Much Marcle Memorial Hall Apologies for absence 2. To receive Declarations of Interest,Councillors are reminded of the need:...
Agenda 23/06/21
Much Marcle Parish Council Meeting Councillors are summoned to attend the Parish Council meeting on Wednesday 23rd June 2021, 7.30pm in Much Marcle Memorial Hall 1. Apologies for absence 2. To receive Declarations of Interest, Councillors are reminded of the need:-...
Agenda ACPM 19-05-21
MUCH MARCLE PARISH COUNCIL To: All members of Much Marcle Parish Council NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that The Annual Meeting of Much Marcle Parish Council will be held in Walwyn Court Office, HR8 2LY on 19th May, 2021 at 7.30pm All members are summoned to attend. The...
Agenda 17/03/21
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 785 8736 2286 Passcode: c3HVpV To continue meeting if required 8.15pm – 9.00pm Join Zoom Meeting...